Saturday, November 15, 2008

NaBloPoMo '08 #15:

Today was a pretty low-key day for us. I think I stayed in my pjs until about 3,and then we drove over to the animal shelter to visit the dogs and cats, but not to bring any home yet. There were a couple of beautiful border collie mixes, but there's also a mother with a litter of tiny pups -- Slogger is thinking about adopting one of the pups once they are old enough. Breed? Rottweiler. They're big and powerful, but if we bring one up from a puppy, we can work some Dog Whisperer magic on it. The puppies should be old enough after Christmas, so I'll keep you all informed on any dog stuff...

After we got back home, I cleaned out the refrigerator. Yes, that's the kind of fun stuff I like to do on a Saturday night. But then we went to the last home volleyball game, which we won!


Belle said...

Rotties are wonderful dogs. Too many are trained to be guard dogs, so they get a rep of tough, mean dogs. In the dog school where I train, the rotties are lovable, energetic happy babies. Magnificent big dogs. Big. Lap-minded dogs. Sweeties.

Brigindo said...

Rottie puppies! I'm in love already.