Wednesday, July 01, 2009

New Gadget

As we were preparing for this month-long, whirlwind trip through over 20 states, visiting relatives and friends we haven't seen in years (along with a trip to Niagara Falls, my first, which was one of the only touristy things we did), we considered how we would maintain our oh-so-important connection to The Internet. This is an important thing for the two of us, as there are blogs and email to read, facebook to remain addicted to, and games to play online. How could we exist without those? Not to mention the increasingly frequent need for my students and former students to contact me two days before the deadline to get letters of recommendation!

Anyhoo, we had decided to buy one of those USB broadband connectors and pay the monthly fee to get on the internet, when we found this:

And boy howdy do we love it! It's the Verizon Wireless Mi-Fi 2200. Or as we lovingly call it, the Mo-Fo. Turn it on, put it out on a table (or as it currently sits, on the dashboard of the car) and it connects to Verizon's broadband signal, and provides wireless access for UP TO FIVE COMPUTERS AT A TIME! Yes, you heard me right. This means that Slogger and I can sit together in our campsite or in a family member's living room and ignore each other while surfing the web and fb-ing. Or blogging. Or whatever.
Love it!

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