So I just got back from taking Roxy on a walk. Oh, by the way, here's a pic, now that she's all grown up:
Meanwhile the Akita stalked Roxy, hair on end, snarling. And snarled and nipped at me as well. Crazy dog. What are people thinking, bringing their crazy-ass dogs into contact with my sweet, well-mannered one? I mean, Roxy was practically slobbering over wanting to be friends with this dog, taking a subservient position, sniffing the right places, all the right stuff.
Crazy-ass woman and her crazy-ass dog. Seriously.
Roxy is adorable! I have a "crasy-ass dog" in that Pupzilla is completely unreliable around other dogs. She goes from friendly/playful to bite your head off without much (or any notice). Because of this we keep her on a leash at all times and don't got to places like dog parks. It drives me really bonkers when she and I are hiking and some dog comes up with an owner and no leash. I don't usually get apologies. I usually get angry stares when I put my dog in a sit/stay and tell the person that she's not dog-friendly so they have to leash their dog.
Sorry, this post brought out a little bit of a vent for me.
So this is Roxy!! Love her!
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