Saturday, February 09, 2008

Skiing Hungover . . .

... is not much fun. Especially when the wind is huffing and puffing like a huge gang of birthday girls obsessed with blowing out the candles on a million cakes. Whew. Luckily, with our season passes, we can feel comfortable leaving after only a couple of runs. We've already skied enough times to pay for our season passes, so anything else is a freebie.

Now I'm working on grading and commenting on reading logs from students in my online class. Interesting how there are HUGE differences in students' abilities to write summaries. Some are beautiful works of art; others are more like children's drawings on a refrigerator. I've graded four, will grade four more tonight after dinner, and then the remaining four tomorrow morning. Then I'll start on the next set on Monday.

Still, I'm enjoying the online class breather. I have to check in on the discussion every day, and of course there is grading, and lots of email to answer, but all in all, I kind of like this online business. I wonder, though, how it is for students in my classes when they can't see each other or me? I tend to be a "personality" teacher -- I make lots of headway with students based on relationships built over the course of the semester. I've tried to make my online class more like my on-campus classes by providing minilectures recorded with Camtasia, so they can at least hear me talking. I'm not sure how well that is working; when I listen to the minilectures, I notice that I sound like I have a lisp. So the recording is weird. I really don't have a lisp.

Anyway, enough rambling. Maybe I'll take a nap.

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